Stainsby Festival

Stainsby Festival - July 17th-19th 2020


The Llama Karma Lottery

Larry the Llama, by Andy Martin

Django the Llama did the business at approximately 16.15 on Sunday 27th, at a distance of 7.34m N and 1.71m E of the SW corner of the enclosure, which was 40m x 25m, divided into a grid of 0.5m squares. This corresponded to the square (66,47) in the generated grid below, which represented ticket number 3712.

As this ticket number wasn't purchased, a runner-up prize of two tickets to next year's festival was awarded to the nearest square to the winner, number 8, and the winners have been informed.

The generated random grid numbers, which was produced at midnight on Friday, can be found here

The Small Print